Tikun Olam for us is bringing a cure and relief to patients. Research and development are integral to fulfilling our vision.
Alongside outstanding results and success of treatment, we work and dedicate a great deal of time and effort in order to examine the efficiency and safety of our products; through constant follow-up with patients, laboratory studies, both invitro and in-vivo, retrospective studies, surveys and clinical interventional research.
With more than 10,000+ treated patients, we have what is believed to be the most extensive patient treatment database in the field of medical cannabis anywhere in the world. As part of numerous studies, we examine our strains and proprietary products of our as treatment various diseases. We initiate and sustain partnerships and industrial relations with physicians, scientists and heads of departments of leading medical institutions around the world.
The head of our research team is our chief scientist, Professor Zvi Bentwich - a leading AIDS researcher, chairman of Physicians for Human Rights, and one of the first doctors to treat with medical cannabis in Israel.

1. Treatment of Crohn’s Disease with Cannabis- An Observational Study:
The retrospective research study was conducted by interviewing patients suffering from Crohn’s disease.The study has found very positive effects on the symptoms of the disease (number of bowel movements, quality of bowel activity, blood in stool samples, pain, etc.).
Head Researcher: Dr. Timna Naftali, Gastroenterology
Hospital: Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel
Published in: IMAJ - The Israel Medical Association Journal, 2011
To download the full study click here
2.Cannabis Induces a Clinical Response in Patients with Crohn’s Disease: a Randomized Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study:
In the world’s first randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded study of its kind, Dr. Naftali and a team of researchers used Tikun Olam's Erez strain to produce dramatic results with 50% of Crohn’s patients achieving “complete remission” and over 90% achieving substantial improvement – with no side effects witnessed.
Head Researcher: Dr. Timna Naftali, Gastroenterology
Hospital: Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel
Published in: Clinica Gastroenterology& Hepatology 2013
To download the full study click here
3.The Effects of Cannabis on Appetite and Blood Indices of Geriatric Patients:
A long-term observational follow-up conducted to collect data from elderly nursing home patients that regularly use medical cannabis. The study measures parameters such as: nutritional blood work, caloric intake, weight, prescription drug usage, sepsis, trembling, spasticity, and quality of life measurements (mood, sleeping habits, etc.)
Head Researcher: Dr. Moshe Geitzen, Geriatrics
Location: Hadarim Nursing Home, Kibbutz Naan
Treating elderly with medical cannbais- special project, Tikun olam has accumulated data on a unique three year (2009-2013) research of treating old age with Tikun Olam Medical Cannabis strains and products in "Hadarim" Nursing Home. The project in "Hadarim" nursing home in kibbutz Na'an has finished and the results and data are helping treat the elderly in Israel, Canada and hopefully in the future the rest of the world.
1.The Effects of Cannabis on Colitis:
Clinical research comparing a group of patients who will be given “Erez” strain cannabis cigarettes (0.5 grams per cigarette) and a group of patients who will be given placebo cigarettes (a total of two cigarettes per day) for a period of eight weeks, during which the effect of the substance on blood inflammation indices, life quality, medicine consumption, and adverse side effects etc., will be monitored.
Head Researcher: Dr. Timna Naftali, Gastroenterology
Hospital: Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel
2. The Effects of Cannabis on Crohn's Disease:
Clinical research comparing a test group, receiving the Avidekel strain, and a control group (placebo), in order to examine the effect of cannabis administered with oil on the inflammatory intestinal disease. The oil contains a high concentration of CBD (200 mg) and a low concentration of THC (59 mg) and is administered twice a day.
Head Researcher: Dr. Timna Naftali, Gastroenterology
Hospital: Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel
3.The Effects of Cannabis on Hypokinetic and Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders:
The study is a research survey through questionnaires that examines the effects of cannabis on the motor and non- motor symptoms, of patients with different movement disorders (Parkinson’s disease, Parkinson plus syndromes, dystonia, tics and Tourette syndrome and others) , including quality of life and activity of daily living as well as the side effects resulting from the cannabis consumption.
Head Researcher: Dr. Tanya Gurevich, Movement Disorders Unit
Hospital: Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
4. Cannabis and IBD Data Collection:
Large-scale long-term data collection study on patients with a permit for medical cannabis that suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to determine the effect of cannabis use on the symptoms and adverse side effects of the disease over a long time period. The study will look at different ingestion methods and various cannabis strains to determine their impact.
Head Researcher: Dr. Timna Naftali, Gastroenterology
Hospital: Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel
5. The Effects of Cannabis on Tinnitus:
A comparative clinical research study that will study the effects of cannabis consumption on the relief of symptoms of Tinnitus. The study will be conducted on ten tinnitus patients that will be given cannabis and ten tinnitus patients given placebo.
Head Researcher: Dr. Yahav Oron, Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Hospital: E. Wolfson Medical Center, Holon, Israel
The Effects of Cannabis On Children With Cancer:
The study is based on surveys of palliative care with cannabis and is part of the greater research effort being conducted (see laboratory research below). The long-term survey, conducted through questionnaires, monitors children with cancer who have been granted a permit to use medical cannabis.
Head Researcher: Prof. Amos Toren, Head of the Pediatric Hemato-Oncology
Hospital: Sheba Medical Center at Tel-Hashomer, Ramat Gan, Israel
1. The Anti-Inflammation and Anti-Pain Properties of Cannabis Extracts:
Laboratory research study that was conducted on rodents which examines the effect of extractions of the main strains developed by Tikun Olam on inflammation and pain, in comparison with placebo and isolated CBD.
Head Researcher: Prof. Ruth Gallily
Hospital: Hadassah University Hospital-Ein Kerem, Jerusalem, Israel
2. The Effects of Cannabis on Cancer:
A comprehensive research study is being conducted that compares the effect of extracts from two different strains (one with rich in CBD with very little THC (Avidekel) and one with an equal quantity of both substances (Midnight) - approximately 15%), as well as, a placebo treatment and isolated CBD and THC and both combined. The goal is to narrow down the strain which has the most significant impact on different types of tumors and on mice. The laboratory research being conducted examines the effects of cannabinoids on human brain tumor cells and separately on nude mice with tumors.
Head Researcher: Prof. Amos Toren, Head of the Pediatric Hemato-Oncology
Hospital: Sheba Medical Center at Tel-Hashomer, Ramat Gan, Israel