Home Page | Smoking Subs | Avidekel Oil - 3%
Avidekel Oil - 3%
Indica specie

Ingredients: Avidekel extract, olive oil 

CBD=3% (1.5mg/drop)

THC=0.5% (0.25mg/drop)

CDN<1% (<0.5mg/drop) 

Treats symptoms such as:
Nausea and vomiting
Crohn's and Colitis
Did You Know?
Tikun Olam is the first, largest and foremost supplier of medical Cannabis in Israel and the flag bearer for the medical use of Cannabis.   
THC range
CBD range
CBN range
Suitable for :
Day & Night Care
Unique Strains
The development of unique strains holds vast treatment potential, which Tikun Olam invests a lot of effort in, including conducting research studies using our unique varieties with the best researchers and doctors in Israel’s leading hospitals and universities. We have hired professional breeders and experts to ensure that Tikun Olam continues to be a leader in providing patients with access to the most beneficial strains and varieties of cannabis available throughout their treatment. We’ve made a global name for ourselves with our commitment to growing the best possible medical cannabis varieties and continue to lead on this front. Our goal is to continue developing cannabis strains and varieties that are proven to treat specific symptoms and conditions. In addition, we aim to improve the efficiency and standard of care available through the continued development of unique strains. The strains we grow undergo constant analysis by labs at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to ensure their quality and provide our patients with consistently reliable and safe treatment. 
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